The daycare program caters little children aged 18 months to 3 years old. This is just the perfect time to mold values, develop good character, and diagnose talents. It is a crucial stage where children are encouraged to learn more and do more.
Our day care programs put emphasis on the holistic development of the child especially in terms of socialization and dealing with others. With this, our program consist of the following:
- Arts and Crafts
- Music and Singing
- Dancing
- Individual and Group Activities
- Outdoor Play
- Science Experiment
- Drama
- Computer Lab
- Puzzles
- Show & Tell
- Story Time
More than these, the children are exposed to more fun and learning activities, letting them explore their environment in the most tolerating, yet gently restrive way possible, with cautious consideration to their safety at all times.
Should you have questions about this program, don’t hesitate to ask us.